Brands I Buy & Boycott!

As a cruelty free beauty blogger I decided to look into which brands test on animals for myself. You can check out what I consider cruelty free here!

I'm writing a list of brands I'll be using from now on, and updating it by three brands at a time every month. So far these are the brands I've researched, and you can find out why I've come to my decision by clicking on them...

Brands I'm boycotting because they're not cruelty free:

Brands I'll be buying from because they're cruelty free:

I'm always doing my best to keep this as accurate as possible, but if you disagree with any of my conclusions please let me know your reasons behind that. I will correct myself if I am wrong! Thank you for reading and I hope you listen to the cruelty free message :)

Izzy K 

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